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About Us
History of Koombana Bay Sailing Club
The Bunbury Sailing Club was set up after a man called John Allen arrived in town and enquired about a
sailing club. Finding there wasn’t one, he enlisted the help of two friends and set the wheels in motion to
build the club as it is known today.
The inaugural meeting of the Bunbury Sailing Club was held on 29th August, 1954, at the Bunbury Rowing
Club. John Roberts chaired the meeting and John Allen was elected Secretary-Treasurer. The foundation
membership was fixed at two guineas and the fee for juniors was one guinea. Associate (lady) members were
charged half a guinea. All members who joined the club that season were foundation members.
A bank account was opened in the club’s name with ES & A Bank, Bunbury.
At the second meeting on 12th September, 1954, other officers were elected for the following season.
John Roberts and John Allen were re-elected to their positions, while H Grayson was elected Handicapper,
Norm Parker the Sailing Officer and W Asser the Publicity Officer.
Club Opens
The club opening was set for 4th December 1954, allowing members time to procure boats, mainly from
Perth, and get acquainted with them. In the early days the club consisted of VJ’s (Vaucluse Juniors) and the
prices ranged from £45-£60 second hand.
Land was secured after approaching the Council about using one of the old camping huts on the North Shore.
After securing a loan of £200, club members built the first clubhouse, purchasing a tubular steel frame from
Tubular Steel Constructions of Fremantle for £83/10/-.
On Saturday 4th December 1954, the Bunbury Sailing Club on the North Shore was officially opened by Bunbury Mayor FJ Withers.
A marquee was erected to shelter visitors and guests, afternoon tea was provided, and more than 100 spectators watched the yachts contest the club’s first race of two three-mile laps. The winner was John Roberts’ “Mustang”, followed by H Grayson’s “Trip” and L&R Healy’s “Audacious”.
Club Renaming
At the 8th General Meeting on December 18th 1954, it was decided to re-name the club “Koombana Bay Sailing Club”. A Constitution and sailing regulations were read and accepted. Norman Parker was elected Commodore.
In four short months the club had obtained land, built a clubhouse, had on the membership roll 34 members both senior and junior, and seven associate members.
By the end of the first season an annexe was added to the clubhouse as a galley and the original bank loan was repaid. Sharpies were being bought into the sailing programme for the following season.
Club Changes Guard
Len Townsend was elected Commodore between 1955-1958 and carried the club through the hard years. He did his utmost to prevent the decline of the club in what were very trying times. Well known local identity, Newton Roberts, was elected Commodore in 1958.
In 1959, Lightweight Sharpies came along to replace the Heavyweights. The first lightweight Sharpie in Bunbury was “Robese”, sailed by Colin Goodlad.
Well known local Doctor, Derm Foster was elected Commodore from 1963-1965, with the man who kicked off the club, John Allen, taking over the reigns from 1965 – 1967.
New Clubrooms
These years saw the building and opening of a new clubhouse after the club secured a $12,000 loan and built a $25,000 facility. Ten years of intense negotiation had secured a land grant in the current location. The new clubhouse was opened by WA Premier Sir David Brand on 5th March 1967.
During these years a permanent jetty and a launching ramp was built. Andy Jamieson and a group of helpers used a system of slipping cruisers by dragging them out of the water on jinkers with his Foden truck.
Norman Parker returned as Commodore during 1967-1968, with Laurie Armstrong appointed Commodore from 1969-1971. Bob Legget served in the top position from 1971 – 1973, followed by club stalwart and former trustee, Colin Goodlad.
The club hosted a number of sailing titles during the 1970’s, including the 35th Commonwealth VJ titles, the 18th Skate National titles.
With such a solid foundation, is it any wonder the club has grown and prospered.

John Allen
07.09.1921 – 15.12.2016

Life Members
John Allen
Maureen Asser
John Bell
Malcolm Bryant
Jean Cowell
Des Depiazzi
Ross Dunstan
Colin Eastick
Colin Goodlad
Tony Howson
Andy Jamieson
Peter Jeffrey
Jeff Clifton
Frank Kenny
Tim Lee Steere
Gerald Parker
John Parker
Doug Patterson
David Pyke
Geoff Reid
Judy Talbot
Fred Talbot
Barry Truman
Ron Walker
Alan Wilson

2024/2025 Committee
Flag Officers:
Commodore: Ian Anderson
Vice Commodore: Peter Swanson
Rear Commodore Sailing: Phil Truman
Rear Commodore Business: Tegan Madson
Rear Commodore Off the Beach Dinghies: Tim Sparrow
Committee Members:
Secretary: Lisa Cowell
Treasurer: Jak Kelly
Training Coordinator: Peter Midgelow
Membership Officer: Kelly Paul
Bosun: David Doherty
Boat Shed Coordinator: Seaton Field
Dale Clemons
Kim Shepherd
Anthony Ness
Immediate Past Commodore: Deri Price