Koombana Bay Sailing Club
Whether you have your own yacht or just want to try your hand at sailing, Koombana Bay Sailing Club has something for everyone!
Join a crew and enjoy light hearted competition on a Wednesday night for Twilight sailing from 5pm or experience the thrill of racing on Saturdays in Division 1, 2, 3 or JaM (Jib & Main), Catamarans, and Junior Dinghy events.
Twilight sailing is the perfect opportunity for newcomers
to have a go and try out sailing, so see our Twilight Sailing page
for details on how to register.
KBSC provides training for novices, both junior and adult, to a
level of proficiency where any person can fill a crew position or
even feel confident enough to buy their own boat – from a small
family cruising keel yacht or high performance centreboard
dinghy to a junior training boat.
The club has ample boat storage, grassed lawns and
rigging areas, along with first class alfresco club rooms and
entertainment area overlooking one of the best views in the
South West. A fully licenced bar and professionally
catered kitchen is also available for club members.
A full programme of racing and social sailing, as well as our shore based social activities opens up a completely new lifestyle to members.

Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, it is an offence: to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years on licensed or regulated premises; or for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor on licensed or regulated premises.